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Best Sellers 100 Gram 3 x 11 x 17 cm

Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder 100g


  • 100g pack contains 100% Super Fine & Premium Sweet Leaf Extract Powder, without added sugar, dyes, flavorings, MSG, preservatives or chemicals.
  • Origin: West Java
  • Taste: creamy, mild bitter
  • Color: creamy brown



Sweet Leaf / Star Gooseberry (Sauropus androgynus) is vegetable crop that can be found in South East Asia. Sweet leaf has high nutritional valuse: contains up to 7% protein and 19% fiber. It is rich of vitamin K, provitamin A (beta-carotene), B and C; contains mineral such as calcium (up to 2.8%), iron, calium, phosphor and magnesium. In Indonesia, sweet leaf is commonly used and known as a prolactin to increase the flow of breast milk.

Serving Recommendation


Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder complwtely dissolves in food/drinks. Simply mix 1 teaspoon (3 grams) of Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Powder into a glass of warm tea or coffee or warm water until dissolved (honey and lemon may be added), or a bowl of warm mung bean porridge. It can also be mixed into a glass of juice, smoothies, or even sprinkled on cookies, cereal and others. See here for the food/beverages ideas.

Intake recommendation


One to three times a day, along with frequent and regular skin-to-skin contact or pumping, drink plenty of water, a minimum 2.5 L per day and have enough rest. It can be consumed starting from 36 weeks of pregnancy until the end of the breastfeeding period.


Herbilogy Sweet Leaf Extract Powder (Daun Katuk)

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